Broken Rules (Love Storm series Book 2) Read online

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  "Is this all your revenge?" Easton hissed in a low voice, taking some of the cream with his hands and spreading it on my cheek, neck, and chest. I, indifferent, let him do it and smiled at him.

  "No, that's just the appetizer," I replied, before he could go to his room to clean himself up.

  I knew he was forced to take a shower. Certainly, he couldn’t jump into the pool with that mess on him.

  All I had to do was wait. Taking advantage of the pause I picked up my beloved and now unrecoverable book.

  I saw his friends distance themselves from me and start arguing. Apparently, they didn't know whether to come and talk to me, keep quiet while they waited for their friend, or leave.

  Just five minutes had passed when I saw Easton come back.

  Red drops dripped from his head and streaked his face, his shoulders ... his whole body and the towel close to his hips.

  His three friends turned pale and tried to ask if he was okay, but he came up to me.

  He was furious, with threatening eyes and a jaw that throbbed nervously.

  "Don’t tell me. You slipped as you got into the shower, you hit your head and now you’re bleeding. What a klutz!” I tried to say, trying not to burst out laughing. "You look awful! You look like something out of a horror movie! "

  "Do you really think I'll make it easy?"

  “ No, but I'm sure you now understand why my boyfriend is not in the least worried about me. As you can see, I am doing very well on my own,” I reminded him boldly.

  “ I'll give you some advice: as long as you are here, don't sleep, don't become distracted, don't walk without turning around every three seconds. Because I will be there, waiting for any misstep, any distraction to hit you. You will regret the day you decided to accept my father's offer," he threatened me, before going back to the house to wash. Definitely using another bathroom.

  "Hey, look, you made a big mistake. Easton is not one who forgives,” Logan stopped me, when he saw that I was returning to the house too.

  "Me neither."

  “ You're getting yourself into trouble. You have no idea of Easton's power here. Everyone knows him and stays away from him. Nobody would dare even half-criticize him," Ant agreed.

  "I just want to be left alone."

  «How do you think you can do that? With these third grade tricks? "

  "He's the one who started it! Or have you forgotten what he did to me when I arrived? "

  “ We all remember it, but the truth is that Easton wasn't angry with you but with his father who forced this new family between you and your mother. He doesn't want a new family. He doesn't want anyone,” Ant tried to explain to me, uncomfortable and sorry for his friend.

  “ I don't want another family either. I don't like being here. I would have left already if it weren’t that this is my only chance to attend college," I confessed, exhausted from all the accumulated stress.

  “ You are both taking it out on the wrong people. I advise you to talk to him when he comes back. I'm sure he'll listen to you if you can control your temper. "

  "I don't think Easton will want to listen to me now."

  “ Find a way. You don't lack imagination,” Ryo said as he left, followed by the others.



  I didn't want to admit it, but I was definitely shocked.

  I didn't expect that girl to go that far. First the flow of melted chocolate and then the blood red shower.

  I knew that my closeness scared her, made her restless and insecure. I was convinced that I would make her give in, and that bite in the neck that morning had told me that she was shyer and more sensitive than I had expected. Her cheeks had become mottled red and her body had shuddered as I pressed her against me. She was not indifferent to me, but it was obvious that she did not want me to notice.

  I thought I had it in hand and instead ...

  Stupid me who had underestimated her stubbornness and her desire to get away from me.

  Yet the more she persisted in distancing herself, the more I went out of my way to reset the boundaries.

  It was like tug of war.

  The only important thing was who would win in the end.

  With this, I decided that the time had come to undermine her relationship as a couple.

  She had humiliated me in front of my friends and now I would do the same with her boyfriend.

  She told me he was older and a bouncer, but I hadn’t believed her, and anyway it didn't scare me. I knew how to defend myself and very well.

  So, I waited for her to go to the shower to steal her cell phone.

  Triumphant, I found it immediately, but my enthusiasm waned when I saw that in was protected by a PIN.

  Irritated, I put it back and waited to take it back once it was unlocked.

  The opportunity arose after lunch.

  Alice telephoned her father to find out how he was.

  I sneaked over and snatched it from her before she could escape me.

  "Give it back! I’m on the phone with my father!” She was furious, clinging to my arm to retrieve the cell phone as I held it high. Alice was so short that she would never be able to reach my hand.

  Tired of her screams and the voice of her father asking her what was going on, I pushed Alice down on the sofa. Then, with a snap, I locked and barricaded myself in my room.

  “ Sir, everything is fine. Alice will call you back later. I just need a moment of your daughter's cell phone to destroy her love life." I cut the man off, ending the call.

  And now we come to you, Jacob Kowalski!

  I had to go to Ant, a computer genius, to be able to find something about this boyfriend, after spending all afternoon checking every conversation and photo on her cell phone.

  “ My friend, your dear little sister has deceived you! She has no boyfriend and from the photos I found and that date back to three years ago, I have not found even one of her with a boy in loving attitudes. At most, she is sleeping with a dog. Furthermore, the only Jacob Kowalski on the web is a character from a fantasy film,” Ant concluded, returning the phone to me while we finished having dinner at the Mexican restaurant he loved.

  Alice had managed to rip me off again!

  "So that witch hasn't been fucked in a while, huh?"

  "Most likely, no."

  "I knew it! It is obvious that she is a sexually frustrated and dissatisfied girl," I exclaimed triumphantly.

  "Why don't you talk to her and end all history? You have known each other for a very short time and have already torn at each other like fighting cocks. Why don't you give it up and turn the page? The day after tomorrow we’re going to college. Focus on that. "

  "Yes, but only after I'm avenged," I said, determined to win the war.

  "Easton, please," Ant tried to stop me, but I took the cell phone from him and went away. At home there was someone who needed a lesson.



  I was relaxing in the outdoor whirlpool when I saw Alice arrive.

  "Can I get my cell phone back?" she asked with the expression of a beaten dog.

  "Come and get it," I invited, putting myself in the center of the small pool to stop her from tearing the cell phone out of my hand.

  As I expected, Alice undressed. Under her clothes she wore a two-piece black swimsuit, with no frills.

  Even though it was dark, her body was illuminated by the soft light of external lighting. She was very small, and her skin was clear and delicate.

  I stared at her unblinking. Her purple cheeks and trembling hands made me realize how uncomfortable she felt, but, as always, she pretended nothing. I was sure she would die rather than give me the satisfaction of admitting that she was embarrassed in front of me.

  Timidly, she entered the water and approached cautiously.

  "Will you give it to me now?" she asked with a condescending air, reaching out her hand but not trying to take the phone by force.

  I waited until it was a few centimeters from me.

  "Aren't you afraid that your boyfriend will get jealous of knowing you here with me at night, half naked?" I threw her phone on the nearby lounger, grabbed her hips, and pulled her closer to me, preventing her from getting out of the water.

  Alice winced and her face turned even redder under those freckles that tickled my imagination. She was so close that our noses touched.

  I felt her arch her back and I tightened my grip on her smooth, soft skin.

  "So?" I urged her, bending over her slender neck, and letting my tongue slide over her skin for the sole purpose of shaking her even more. I wanted her to lose control and that detached air that she always assumed in my presence.

  She tasted good and was hot enough to excite me. Maybe I was the one who risked losing control, but I didn't stop. I enjoyed seeing her so vulnerable and frightened.

  "Easton!" She stirred at once, placing her hands on my chest to push me away. "Can you get your hands off me? I ... I ... "

  "You're the one who's touching me," I joked, amused by her uneasiness and her clumsy attempts to get away. "I thought you liked it ... Don't you do these things with your boyfriend?"

  «Of course, but he is my boyfriend. You are not, so let me go. "

  "You know, I looked for some photos of this Jacob on your phone, but I didn't find any."

  "He hates to be photographed," she replied immediately, stiffening in my arms.

  "And you also hate calling him or sending him messages or emails? I didn't find those either."

  "He's an old-fashioned type."

  "So how do you communicate?"

  "We use a messenger pigeon."

  I burst out laughing. Watching her climb the wall was really fun.

  After a while she too laughed and finally melted a little.

  "I have no boyfriend, okay?" Alice confessed. "I made him up because I wanted you to keep your distance."


  "You have this way of approaching, touching me, kissing me ... Here, I ... I'm not here for these things."

  "But you've already done them, haven't you? Or are you a virgin? "

  "Of course, I've already done it but with someone who loved me, not with the first guy I met on the street." She stirred again, looking away. I was perplexed. I wasn't sure I believed her.

  "How romantic," I teased her.

  “ What about you? You can't find any girl so crazy that she wants to have fun with you, right? It must be hard to be a loser with a disproportionate ego like yours," Alice replied, regaining her self-confidence.

  "Why is it that every time you open your mouth, I want to close it?" I asked nervously, grabbing her face, and placing my mouth on hers.

  I did not give her any room; I let the kiss exhaust her stubbornness and her desire to attack me and move away as if I were a parasite.

  I could not stand it! I did not accept her refusal. I no longer wanted her to try to rebel against me.

  Only when I noticed her body tremble in contact with mine and her arms slide on my chest instead of pushing me away, did I calm down and loosen the roughness with which I had pounced on her.

  She had a nice mouth. Small and full. I savored her soft lips, sucking and biting them gently, until they opened.

  Fuck, I'm getting excited!

  With the excitement that rushed violently through my veins, I put my tongue in her mouth and took possession of her mouth. She gasped and moaned shyly, dominated by my invasion.

  Her fragmented and labored breathing hit me like an overwhelming wave, unleashing my desire to have her and make her mine.

  I had to admit that Alice was a beautiful girl. Unbearable but beautiful.

  With that new obsession, and an erection more and more impatient to find satisfaction, I pounced on her, letting my hands slide down her body, from her shoulders to her back to the butt and thighs that I grabbed and put around my hips, while she clung to my neck so as not to slip.

  With that change of position, our mouths parted for a moment and I pounced on her neck, biting, and sucking on the base, while with one hand I untied her bikini bra.

  When I managed and took her breast in my hands, I felt her jump and move away suddenly.

  "No!" She screamed in fright, turning away from my arms.

  "No?! Really?”

  I was excited to death and felt a step away from orgasm. It was too late for no.

  "I ... I don't want to. I don't know what got into me,” she stammered, trembling, and looking at me with her green eyes wide with shock. “I came for the cell phone and to apologize. I went too far today and wanted to call a truce."

  "Wasn't that a truce that happened until a little while ago, before you jumped in the air like a poor virgin when she’s groped?"

  Alice closed her eyes as if she wanted to erase that memory and me. When she opened them again, her gaze was fiery.

  “ I asked you to leave me alone and to stop putting your hands on me and definitely not to kiss me. I am not your toy that you can play with and then throw it to the back of your toybox,” she said trying to keep her voice steady and her tone cold and severe, making me angry again. For the umpteenth time I had lost the power that I had over her. Or at least that I thought I had.

  No girl before her had ever pulled back while I was kissing and caressing her.

  “ I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. You are my toy."

  "I just wanted to try to have an open dialogue with you, but it is obvious that you are too stubborn and immature to be able to deal with certain situations as an adult," she became angry, her eyes becoming bright and sad. I looked at her and realized that she was she was in despair: her body was hunched over like a hedgehog and she was shaking violently despite the water in the tub being heated. Her face was tense.

  I saw her get up to get out of the water, holding her top with her hands to cover herself.

  I grabbed her by the arm and held her back.

  "Don’t touch me! Let me go!"

  "You said you wanted to talk to me, so talk to me," I said, ignoring her words.

  “ I don't feel like it anymore. I just want to go back to my room, "she murmured in a voice broken by tears. She turned away so as not to be seen, but I knew she was crying.

  “ We'll be in college in two days and you won't see me anymore. If I'm the problem, you only have to hold on for a few more hours. "

  "You're not the problem ... not the only one ... I ... I don't feel comfortable here. I hate this place. I hate everything and everyone. I just want to go back to Seattle, to my father and my dog," she confessed, distraught, returning to the water to pick up her bra.

  "Why do you want to go home? Here you have everything and soon you will go to university. Besides, my father will give you everything you want. What is in Seattle that you don't have here?” I asked curiously.

  "There I have someone who loves me and who understands me," she replied simply, with tears streaming down her face.

  At least you have someone who loves you somewhere in the world!

  “ I was wrong to leave Seattle. I should never have accepted my mother's offer. She left my father and me many years ago and now she doesn’t even know who I am anymore ... and moreover she doesn’t even seem to care. "

  "If so, then why did she ask you to come here to Oregon?"

  "I don’t know. Maybe to salve her conscience? Too bad that giving me money for college will never make up for the affection that I have lacked in all these years. "

  “ Everyone loves in their own way. Money is better than nothing,” I said, even though I never actually believed it.

  “ I don’t agree. I've been here for two days and I only wanted to have time to spend with her, to tell her about my life, my hopes, my fears, my doubts ... But she is never here. She dumped me in this beautiful villa like a package and immediately went back to work. The only moments we spent together were at dinner. Too bad that on both occasions I only had proof that she doesn't care about me. "

  "How can you say that?"

nbsp; “ I have been a vegetarian for five years and she had meatloaf prepared. While you spent all the time on the phone, ignoring those present, I tried to make it clear that I haven't eaten meat or fish for years, but your father insisted that it was a teenage thing and that I am now too grown up for that kind of diet. My father would never have dared to tell me such a thing. It was useless to explain that my choice was made following the meeting with the association Animal SOS which is responsible for reporting abuse in intensive breeding and recovering abandoned dogs before they end up killed or inside a kennel. It is precisely this association that managed to remove Book, my dog, from its former owner who beat him and left him attached to a pole with a short chain and without shelter or water every day. They saved Book and then I adopted him even though he was already an adult when he was sick and would not let anyone approach him. Now Book is the sweetest and most cuddly dog in the world. We sleep together and he never leaves me alone. I love that dog and he loves me. I miss him so badly and I feel guilty for leaving him in Seattle, even though my father loves him as much as I do. "

  "I'm very sorry," I managed to say. I had not understood that Alice was such a sensitive and fragile girl.

  "And then tonight ... at dinner, you weren't there, and our parents wanted to make recommendations for college. Everything was going well, as long as there was talk of cars."

  "You don't have a car," I understood, knowing how important that kind of independence was to my father.

  "I don't even have a driver's license," she clarified. "Your father good-naturedly scolded me for that shortcoming and blamed my dad for not helping me."

  "He always says the wrong thing at the wrong time," I growled nervously, angry. I knew my father and knew what a humiliating asshole he could be without even realizing it.

  "Yes, but the worst thing was my mother who said he was right, despite having to know the reason for my decision, since I wrote it to her in an email years ago."

  "What reason?"